Awesome app for learning Chinese where user can learn through different lessons shown with image, title, level and date of publication. The app has wide range of features so that user can learn easily.
- Login/Signup
- Option to search any lesson by name
- Level Tabs to filter Lessons(Newbie, Elementary, Advanced, Media etc.)
- Each word and sentences in the tabs will have a player button to listen to the audio file.
- Lesson Player/Module tab(Vocabulary Review, Dialogue / Transcript, Grammar)
- Slider Menu(Left):
- Option to set Font size.
- Switch button for traditional / simplified characters.
- Option to Delete all downloaded materials.
- Logout
Technical Specifications
- Platform: Android & iOS
- Android Version: 2.3
- iOS Version: iOS6, iOS7 and iOS8
- Web Service Language: PHP
- Data Transport Method: REST + JSON
- Back End DB: MySQL
- Local Database: Yes
- Google Map V2: No
- GCM Push Notifications: Yes
- Social Site Integration: Yes
- Chat(IM): Yes
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