Share images, videos, funny stories, live shopping, go live, earn tokens from fans and friends, and donate to a creator you want. Make connections with friends, post images and videos of your daily activities, and check out what people across the globe are up to. Discover your social network, where you can share everything from daily activities to your life's greatest moments and feel free to be who you are.

A platform designed to bring people together by sharing content. Users are able to control how they want to format and handle their interactions and posts as their fits. A token system sets the app apart from others. You can support your favorite content creators by giving tokens, users can earn tokens from those who find value in their posts. Tokens can serve as a gratitude or acknowledgment for the shared content. The app also suggests users to be genuine and open communication. It's a place where people can share everything from ordinary moments to important life events. The application aims to provide a more fulfilling and joyful social experience by promoting openly and enabling users to participate in a helpful community. It provides an environment for genuine self-expression and the interesting and engaging connection-building with others.

Technical Specifications

  • Platform: Android/iPhone/Website
  • Android Version: 6.0 to 10.0
  • iOS Version: iOS 11 to iOS 13
  • Web Service Language: Node.js
  • Data Transport Method: REST + JSON
  • Back End DB: MySQL
  • Local Database: MySQL
  • Google Map V2: Yes
  • GCM Push Notifications: Yes
  • Social Site Integration: Yes
  • Chat(IM): Yes

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